在上一篇文章中,我介紹了Taejun Shin先生所面臨的有趣挑戰,以及他所創立的非營利組織Living in Peace。Taejun先生嘗試透過他的兼職工作來改變世界,證明改變世界並不一定需要辭掉當下的工作。而在本篇文章中,你將發現在維持工作的情況下創立或加入一個兼職組織(part-time organization),並不是改變世界的唯一選擇。如創立於2011,總部位於東京的非營利組織CROSS FIELDS就提供著「留職」或「國際企業志工(international corporate volunteering)」計劃。
「留職」這個由CROSS FIELDS所發想的創新計畫,為企業單位中的年輕專業人員提供了到開發中國家的非政府組織與社會企業工作的機會。在這1至12個月的計劃期間,企業專業人員將運用他們的專業技能和知識,來解決開發中國家的社會議題。這一計劃不僅讓日本商業導向的公司受惠,也幫助了開發中國家的社會性質組織(social-inclined organizations)。商業導向的公司可以利用此計劃為員工提供拓展視野的經驗,以及管理/行銷技巧的訓練機會;同時,社會性質組織則能獲得來自企業部門的技能與知識。
「留職」這項計劃由兩位年輕人創立並妥善管理:Daichi Konuma先生曾在麥肯錫顧問公司工作,Yuka Matsushima先生則曾服務於波士頓顧問公司,兩位創辦人在加入顧問行列前,都在非營利組織工作過。Konuma先生曾在敘利亞的非營利組織服務了兩年,在那段期間裡,他見證了一位專業顧問如何成功地對組織進行管理改革,由此領會到透過外來不同領域的專業技能來幫助非營利組織/社會企業,是支持這些組織解決社會議題的關鍵所在,而後啟發他構想出「留職」這個商業點子。
CROSS FIELDS目前已成功完成許多案例。在第一個個案中,他們將一位來自管理顧問公司的年輕專業人員派到一個位於柬埔寨的非營利組織,這位顧問活用他/她的專業經驗,幫助這個非營利組織進行銷售工作以及品牌建立。CROSS FIELDS也曾將一位來自松下電器公司(Panasonic)的專業人員派到越南的非政府組織。在這兩個個案中,「留職」計劃都為非營利組織的管理/銷售帶來了極大的改善。而今,CROSS FIELDS開始「留職」計劃尚不滿兩年,但許多日本企業已紛紛加入這個計劃。
CROSS FIELDS預計將把這計劃推廣到其他國家,如果對於他們所提供的服務有興趣,或是希望能夠更了解這部份的資訊,歡迎拜訪他們的網站

Using Your Professional Experience For Social Enterprise

In the last entry, I introduced an interesting challenge of Taejun Shin and his NPO Living in Peace. Taejun tries to change the world through his "part-time" job, proving that you can change the world without giving up your current job. And this entry will show that starting or belonging to a part-time organization is not the only way to change the world while keeping your current job. NPO CROSS FIELDS, headquartered in Tokyo and founded in 2011, provides "留職" or "international corporate volunteering" program.
"留職" is a term innovated by CROSS FIELDS, meaning that providing opportunities for young professionals in business sectors to work at NGOs and social enterprises in developing countries. During this 1-12 months program, corporate professionals can leverage their skills and knowledge to solve social issues in the developing world. This program is mutually beneficial for both business-oriented companies in Japan and social-inclined organizations in developing countries. Business-oriented companies can utilize this program to provide eye-widening experience as well as management/marketing training opportunities to its employees; at the same time, social-inclined organizations can leverage the skills and knowledge from business sectors. This 留職 program is founded and well-organized by two young founders: Daichi Konuma worked at McKinsey and Yuka Matsushima worked at Boston Consulting Group prior to starting this NPO. And both of them used to work at NPOs prior to their consulting careers. Mr. Konuma recognized that his working experience at a NPO in Syria for two years inspired him to come up with this business idea. Witnessing that a professional consultant successfully reformed the management of the NPO Mr. Konuma worked at, he realized that supporting NPOs / social enterprises through leveraging external professional skills from different fields is a key to solve social issues. 
CROSS FIELDS already successfully carried out several cases. In their first case, they sent one young professional from a management consulting firm to a non-profit organization in Cambodia, letting the consultant to utilize one’s professional experience to support marketing and branding for the NPO. They also sent one professional from Panasonic to a NGO in Vietnam. In both cases, "留職" program created tremendous improvements in management / marketing of NPOs. It has been passed less than two years since CROSS FIELDS launched its program, but many corporations in Japan already started to join this program.
Steve Jobs once said, "The world's clearly a better place. Individuals can now do things that only large groups of people with lots of money could do before." I strongly agree with Steve. In the world we now live, there are tremendous opportunities where we can utilize our knowledge, skills, and guts to change the world for the better. If you want to do something for the world, there is no reason to just stand still and wait. You can just act now.
NPO CROSS FIELDS plans to expand its program to other countries as well. If you are interested in their challenge or want further information, you can check out their website (English): http://crossfields.jp/wp/english/.


  • Mr. Sako的社會企業養成術

    Mr. Sako的社會企業養成術

    迫俊亮,現任Motherhouse的國際行銷經理。Motherhouse是來自日本的時尚品牌, 產品以手提包為主,所有產品都由開發中國家的合作夥伴手工製造,目前在日本已開設七間分店、在台灣設有一間旗艦店,並分別在孟加拉和尼泊爾經營「笑顏工廠」,在日本已是相當知名的社會企業。Mr. Sako將在這裡分享自己成為Motherhouse創始團隊成員的經歷,並透過自身經驗分享邁向「社會企業家」之路的成功心法以及具體實踐法則。