工作內容 無國界醫生正在尋求一位自我要求、富責任心、工作靈活的優秀人選加入我們。財務主任直屬於財務行政協理,負責管理及執行基金會的財務會計相關工作,遵循台灣相關會計法規及準則、無國界醫生基金會的財務政策、以及無國界醫生國際辦公室的財務會計標準,確保在台灣的財務適法性,提升財務透明度並遵守無國界醫生的問責制度,以期有效使用無國界醫生基金會的財務資源。
主要工作內容: .負責各項定期財務及會計報表,並依據基金會的及策略性規劃及管理提出相關財務分析。 .依據適用於台灣當地和無國界醫生組織的法律、法規、會計原則和標準,對無國界醫生 基金會的各項日常會計財務交易進行核算。 .規劃並執行各項稽核及稅務工作專案,確保遵守相關法令規定。 .協助主管協調及指導財務會計團隊成員,確保團隊成員的工作成果符合預期目標。與財 務行政專員合作,針對主管機關提出的詢問提供資料及回答問題。 .依據適用協議,規劃、預測和管理基金會及無國界醫生行動中心和區域辦公室之間的資 金流動,以優化財務資源的運用,同時支援相關各方的計畫營運和活動執行。 .協助主管建立、加強和執行相關的會計財務政策和程序,以確保財務管控,遵守法規以 保障和有效利用基金會的財務資源,提高財務透明度並堅守對捐款者的問責制度。 .完成主管交辦的其他工作;協助主管規劃內部財務系統。
This position is under the management of the Head of Finance and Administration. We are looking for a strongly motivated and highly committed individual with flexibility to manage and control a full range of finance and accounting activities of MSF Taiwan in accordance with the accounting principles generally acceptable in Taiwan (TW), MSF TW Financial Policies and MSF International accounting standards to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations and laws of Taiwan, promote transparency and uphold accountability for the efficiency use of financial resources provided by donors of MSF TW.
Major Responsibilities .Be responsible for preparing regular finance and accounting reports and providing relevant financial analysis in supporting strategic planning and management of the organization. .Maintain routine financial and accounting transactions and activities of MSF TW in accordance with the laws, regulations, accounting principles and standards applicable in TW and MSF International. .Organize and execute auditing and taxation work/projects to ensure compliance with local statutory. .Assist the manager in coordinating and mentoring the finance and accounting team to ensure they perform at a competent level. Work with the Fin&Admin Officer in responding to enquiries from MOHW .Plan, forecast and manage funds flows between Taiwan, MSF Operational Centres and Partner Sections according to applicable agreements to ensure utilization of financial resources is optimized and sustain respective planned operations and activities of parties concerned. .Work with the manager to establish, enhance and implement appropriate policies and procedures to ensure financial controls are in place and consistently complied with to safeguard & efficient use of financial resources of MSF TW, promote transparency and uphold accountability to donors. .Manage any ad-hoc projects assigned by the manager. Support the manager in planning and implementing the internal financial system.
其他條件 .會計或相關學科學士學位,至少 5 年以上在大型跨國公司財務會計領域(TW GAAP 及 IFRS)的工作經驗。 .具備財務風險管理、制定和執行財務管控政策程序的專業知識,及擁有至少 3 年的相關工作經驗。 .主動思考,具有解決問題能力 .成果導向、注重細節 .富有團隊工作精神能同時進行多項專案,能在壓力下工作 .精通 MS Office、特別是 MS Excel。 .具備會計師資格尤佳。 .具備一般會計系統應用方面的知識,例如:SAGE、SAP…等。
.A Bachelor’s degree in accounting or related field with minimum 5 years of experiences & responsibilities in full scope of finance & accounting activities (TW GAAP & IFRS) in large MNCs; .Knowledge & minimum 3 years of experiences in financial risks management, develop & implement financial policies & procedures of financial controls .Active and positive thinker with good problem solving skills; .Result-oriented, attention to details .A good team player .Able to handle multiple tasks and meet deadlines under pressure .Proficiency in MS Office in particular MS Excel. .CPA qualification is a plus; .Knowledge and experience in common accounting system applications e.g. SAGE, SAP


2024 grant 側欄廣告School 28 第四屆徵件_側欄廣告第三屆NPO創新成長加速器開放報名愛的慶典:同志驕傲月-側欄廣告用無限好事,讓美好永續-側欄廣告2024 綠獎-側欄廣告