Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We have the following vacancy and are looking for a talented individual with a strong desire to contribute to humanitarian work and commit to the aims and values of MSF to join our team in Taipei.
Head of Communications In collaboration with the General Director and with the support of the Regional Comms Director, the Head of Communications plans, coordinates, directs and oversees strategies, activities and staff members engaged in developing messages and content as per the Communication department above objectives. He/She should provide specific support on content creation, editorial quality, strategic communications, and innovative use of digital tools.
Major Responsibilities As a member of the MSF Taiwan Management Team, the Head of Communications participates in of MSF Taiwan strategic & annual plans, developing collective decisions and setting priorities for the office, approving internal policies, and making collective recommendations to the Board of Directors, the Regional office. He/She also collaborates closely with other MT members to ensure cross-departmental interaction and coordination.
The Head of Communications works as part of a global communications network and is required to develop a strong working relationship with that network, to support and disseminate communications for the whole of MSF.  He/she also maintains regular relationships and interactions with counterparts in other MSF offices in formulating and administering organization-wide communication strategies and messages, and, when warranted ensure that MSF HK & family specific public positioning is appropriately represented.
媒體推廣協理需與基金會執行長及區域媒體推廣協理合作,進行規劃、組織定位、擬定明確且遠觀之策略及活動。並帶領團隊完成以上任務。 此職位應就內容制定、編輯品質、傳播策略、及數位工具之善用提出具體建議並協助部門員工完成所轄工作。
主要工作內容: • 為無國界醫生台灣管理團隊之一員,需參與及制定組織策略及年度計畫、擬定明確決策並安排工作事項之優先順序、審核內部政策、及向董事會及區域辦公室提供明確建議。 • 需與其他管理團隊成員緊密合作以確保內部跨部門緊密合作。 • 為MSF全球傳播網絡工作一員,與網絡成員建立強而緊密之連結,支援與全球無國界醫生的溝通傳達。 • 規劃及管理組織內部的傳播媒體策略及訊息溝通上和其他辦公室相關成員建立及維持定期合作關係 • 必要時須確保無國界醫生(香港)及區域內其他成員的特定公共定位準確傳達給一般大眾。
Requirements • Minimum 7 years’ experience in the field of journalism or public relations, with at least 5 of those in a managerial/supervisory capacity • Experience in leading campaigns to create change, and influence audiences • Good knowledge of local and regional media in Taiwan • Genuine interest in and commitment to the humanitarian principles of MSF • Experience in developing and managing crisis communications and digital engagement strategies • Strong familiarity with social media platforms, their utility in amplifying messages, and their role as conveyors of rumors, non-credible health guidance, and mis/disinformation. • Strong grasp of international affairs, geopolitics and the dynamics driving humanitarian crises. • Solid understanding of best practice in digital engagement, transmedia storytelling, and communications innovation • Ability to think clearly and take decisions under stress, and analyze, synthesize and present complex information in a convincing, straightforward and clear manner • Ability to effectively present information on controversial or complex topics to top management, public groups, and/or boards of directors • Track record of data-led decision making • Ability to work independently but also a good team player • Fluency in both spoken and written English and Chinese • Good presentation and solid experience in translation and copy writing • Ability to work under pressure and to respect deadlines • Flexible working hours
資格: • 7 年以上傳媒或公共關係領域經驗,及 5 年以上相關管理經驗。 • 具活動規畫經驗,能夠影響並深化台灣公眾及在地傳媒。 • 對國際事務及無國界醫生人道救援活動具備高度興趣及使命感。 • 具備建立管理媒體推廣及數位傳媒策略之經驗。 • 熟悉社群平台,並了解平台之影響力並能針對謠言及不實資訊進行風險管控。 • 了解數位傳播媒體並能有效執行傳播策略。 • 具備清晰的邏輯,且能夠在壓力下進行決策。具備優良的資訊統整能力。 • 具備資訊管理及議題探討的能力,並能有效地提供公眾及執行長訊息。 • 能夠妥善維持並管理相關數據資料。 • 能夠獨立作業及團隊合作。 • 具備流利的英/中文的口說/書寫能力。 • 具備良好的書面及口頭報告能力。 • 能在壓力下於期限內完成工作。 • 能適應彈性的工作時間。
Please apply with a letter of motivation (in English) and full resume (in both English and Chinese) with expected salary and date of earliest availability by e-mail to hr@taipei.msf.org. Applicants not invited for interview within 4 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful. All information collected is solely for recruitment purpose and be treated in strict confidence.
We welcome you to join our team. All personal information (photos, education and work experiences, letter of motivation etc.) received will be used solely for recruitment purpose. Your personal data will be strictly protected, please refer to our Privacy and Individual Data Protection Policy.
將英文動機信、中、英文履歷、預期薪資與最早可到職日期等資料寄至  hr@taipei.msf.org 。如申請人於遞交申請表後四星期內未獲邀約見,即可視作其申請不成功。所有收集的資料僅作招募用途,並會嚴格保密。


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