Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We have the following vacancy and are looking for a talented individual with a strong desire to contribute to humanitarian work and commit to the aims and values of MSF to join our team in Taipei.
Content Officer Content Officer is responsible for writing and producing communication materials related to fundraising and donor engagement. This includes Fundraising Department’s online (digital ads, fundraising web pages, EDM) and offline (fundraising brochures, TV ad scripts, project reports) activities. The goal is to enhance public interest and understanding of MSF, attract donors and strengthen donor participation.
Major Responsibilities ①Copywriting and Content Editing: Write and edit compelling fundraising materials and humanitarian content to raise awareness, recruit supporters, and communicate with donors. Ensure that the tone and style of the copy align with MSF brand positioning and are suitable for the target audience and distribution platforms. ②Collaboration with Fundraising Team and Communications Department: Work closely with the Fundraising team and the Communications department to assist in defining key messages, frameworks, and content production for fundraising activities. ③External Vendor Management: Oversee external vendors’ translations and content creation, ensuring appropriateness and alignment with project goals. This includes native content for MSF Taiwan or adaptations from materials provided by MSF movement. ④Content Improvement Recommendations: Propose and implement improvements to content copy. ⑤Material Collection and Planning: Collect, plan and prepare thematic materials for writing. ⑥Administrative Responsibilities: Handle necessary administrative tasks related to content production.
①Excellent copywriting skills, with expertise in content planning, writing, editing, proofreading, and review. ②Familiarity with international affairs and humanitarian work, capable of accurately organizing and presenting complex and sensitive materials. ③At least three years of relevant work experience. ④Excellent Chinese writing ability, with proficiency in composition and a high level of sensitivity to Chinese language nuances. ⑤Strong time management skills and effective communication abilities to handle multiple tasks. ⑥Good communication skills, able to independently communicate across departments and coordinate with external vendors. ⑦Passionate about international affairs and humanitarian work at MSF. ⑧Proficient English reading skills
How to apply?
Please apply with a letter of motivation (in English) and full resume (in both English and Chinese) on our website . Applicants not invited for interview within 4 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful. All information collected is solely for recruitment purposes and be treated in strict confidence.
At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our employees. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, nationalities, races, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics.
All personal information (photos, education and work experiences, letter of motivation etc.) received will be used solely for recruitment purpose. Your personal data will be strictly protected, please refer to our Privacy and Individual Data Protection Policy.
無國界醫生是一個獨立的國際醫療人道救援組織,致力為受武裝衝突、流行病與傳染病和天災影響,以及遭排拒於醫療體系以外的人群提供緊急醫療援助。無國界醫生只會基於人們的需要提供援助,不受種族、宗教、性別或政治因素左右。無國界醫生台北辦公室目前徵1位對無國界醫生的宗旨及國際人道事務有興趣的內容行銷專員 加入我們的團隊。
內容行銷專員 內容行銷專員將執行募款及捐款者溝通的文案撰寫及內容產出,涵蓋募款部門線上(數位廣告、募款網頁、EDM)和線下(募款文宣、電視廣告腳本、專案報告)活動,以提升大眾對無國界醫生的興趣與理解,吸引捐款者並加強捐款者的參與。
主要工作內容: ①撰寫並編輯觸動人心的募款文宣及人道救援議題內容,進行宣導、招募與捐款人溝通,確保文案及內容語調風格,符合無國界醫生品牌定位並適合目標受眾與發布平台。 ②與募款團隊及媒體推廣部門密切合作,協助招募、維護及數位行銷專員定義募款活動主要訊息,架構與文案內容產出。 ③監督外部廠商之翻譯及內容創作,確保內容適切性並符合專案目標,包含無國界醫生(台灣)原生內容或改寫自國際無國界醫生提供之素材。 ④提出並執行對內容文案的改進建議。 ⑤負責收集、規劃及準備主題素材撰寫。 ⑥負責與內容製作相關的必要行政工作。
資格: ①優秀的文案能力,擁有專業的內容規劃、寫作、編輯、校對和審查技能。 ②熟悉國際事務及人道救援工作,並能夠準確地將複雜和敏感的材料進行整理與陳述。 ③至少三年相關工作經驗。 ④優秀的中文書寫能力,具備撰寫能力和高度中文敏感度。 ⑤優秀的時間管理能力和溝通技巧,能夠處理多項任務。
⑥良好溝通能力,可以獨立進行跨部門溝通與外部廠商協調。 ⑦對國際事務及無國界醫生人道主義工作有興趣及熱情。 ⑧良好的英文閱讀能力。
如何申請: 請進入招募網頁填入相關資訊,並附上英文動機信、中、英文履歷、預期薪資與最早可到職日期等資料。如申請人於遞交申請表後四星期內未獲邀約見,即可視作其申請不成功。所有收集的資料僅作招募用途,並會嚴格保密。