Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We have the following vacancy and are looking for a talented individual with a strong desire to contribute to humanitarian work and commit to the aims and values of MSF to join our team in Taipei.
Fundraising Project Coordinator ①Assist Acquisition Unit in establishing the Face-to-Face (F2F) Fundraising Team by coordinating in setting up relevant policies and guidelines, completing required process and paperwork, and executing the implementation plan. ②Supervise all F2F fundraising activities; plan, manage and coordinate F2F fundraising team’s work to achieve the department goals set in the annual plan. ③Track and monitor the team’s work performance based on the set KPIs. ④Disseminate MSF operation and work and execute F2F fundraising promotion plan according to the strategy and goals of the Fundraising Department.
Major Responsibilities ①Support Acquisition Unit in planning and finalizing relevant policies and guidelines for establishing the F2F fundraising team. ②Be responsible for recruitment and onboarding processes of the F2F Team to ensure an effective combination of skills and knowledge within the team. ③Outline necessary training plan and materials for the F2F Team. ④Ensure the set targets are achieved by managing the team performance, motivating the team morale, providing logistics assistance and supporting career development within the organization. ⑤Ensure the team’s work align with MSF’s compliance standards and safeguarding framework for their safety and well-being in the workplaces. ⑥Support Acquisition Unit in executing F2F activities and annual plan and controlling budget to achieve set targets for donor acquisition. ⑦Prepare reports to monitor work progress and propose actions to improve performance based on the report results.
Requirements ①2-3 years of relevant experience in business development, cold calling and/or street marketing; experience in start-up or street fundraising is an asset. ②Organized with strong project management skills. ③Strong team management; good at motivating others. ④Strong ethics and reliability. ⑤Good knowledge of high traffic areas in Taipei City and New Taipei City is preferred. ⑥Strong analytical skills, problem solving, and detail minded. ⑦Willing to share learned knowledge with others in a storytelling way. ⑧Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. ⑨Ability to manage multiple tasks and able to work under pressure and meet tight deadline. ⑩Intermediate level in both spoken and written English. ⑪Interested and passionate about international affairs and the humanitarian work of MSF. ⑫Driver’s licence (car / scooter) is preferred.
How to apply? Please apply with a letter of motivation (in English) and full resume (in both English and Chinese) on our website. Applicants not invited for interview within 4 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful. All information collected is solely for recruitment purposes and be treated in strict confidence.
At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our employees. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, nationalities, races, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics.
All personal information (photos, education and work experiences, letter of motivation etc.) received will be used solely for recruitment purpose. Your personal data will be strictly protected, please refer to our Privacy and Individual Data Protection Policy.
街頭募款專案統籌 ①協助建立街頭募款團隊,協助制定相關政策規定,完成相關流程和文書作業,並執行團隊建置計劃。 ②監督街頭募款活動,並規劃、指導和協調街頭募款團隊的工作,確保達成年度目標。 ③根據設定的績效指標(KPI)追踪和管理團隊工作表現。 ④宣傳無國界醫生之宗旨和任務,依據募款部門的策略目標執行街頭募款推廣計劃。
主要工作內容: ①協助規劃、建立街頭募款團隊的相關政策及作業規定。 ②負責街頭募款團隊的招募及到職流程,確保團隊成員具備適合的知識技能。 ③制定街頭募款團隊所需的訓練計劃及內容。 ④負責管理團隊績效、激勵團隊士氣、提供後勤支援以及協助成員職涯成長,確保團隊達成目標。 ⑤確保團隊工作符合MSF標準與行為準則,維護團隊成員在工作場所的職業安全。 ⑥協助執行年度街頭募款活動計畫及成本控管,達成捐款人招募目標。 ⑦提交報表以了解團隊工作進展,並根據報告結果提出改善措施。
資格: ①2-3年業務拓展、陌生開發和/或街頭行銷的相關經驗;有街頭募款或新創經驗者尤佳。 ②工作有條理,具備優秀的專案管理技能。 ③優秀的團隊管理能力,並善於激勵他人。 ④具有強烈的職業道德和可靠性。 ⑤熟悉台北市和新北市人潮聚集區域者優先。 ⑥具備強大的分析能力,能迅速有效解決問題且注重細節。 ⑦願意以講故事的方式與他人分享知識。 ⑧優秀的溝通和人際交往技能。 ⑨能夠管理多項任務,在壓力下工作並按時完成任務。 ⑩具備中等以上的英語口語和閱讀能力。 ⑪對國際事務及無國界醫生人道主義工作有興趣及熱情。 ⑫具汽車/機車駕照者尤佳。
如何申請: 請於招募網頁填入相關資訊,並附上英文動機信、中、英文履歷、預期薪資與最早可到職日期等資料。如申請人於遞交申請表後四星期內未獲邀約見,即可視作其申請不成功。所有收集的資料僅作招募用途,並會嚴格保密。如申請人於遞交申請表後四星期內未獲邀約見,即可視作其申請不成功。所有收集的資料僅作招募用途,並會嚴格保密。

