社會影響力小檔案 【組織】組織的社會使命與社會影響力關鍵數據 B型企業由 2006 年成設立於美國賓州的非營利組織 - B 型實驗室(B Lab®)發起,致力使人們的商業活動發揮對社會及環境的正面影響力,並使企業成為「對世界最好的企業」。其主要任務為推廣公開的商業影響力評估(B Impact Assessment, BIA),量化評比並提升企業 ESG 績效,透過國際認證,確認企業的正面影響力。B 型實驗室亦倡議共益公司法(Benefit Corporation Law),賦予使命型企業明確的法律位格,促成更多「對世界最好的企業」。至今台灣已有超過 50 家 B 型企業,全球有超過 8700 家 B 型企業。 商業影響力評估(BIA)針對企業的環境保護(E,Environment)、社會責任(S,Social)及公司治理(G,governance)進行評估與衡量,又可細分為環境友善(E)、員工照顧(S)、社區扶植(S)、客戶影響力(S)、公司治理(G)五個面向,並依其所在市場、產業類別及員工人數規模進行客製化的量化評估,總分 200 分,80 分為獲得 B 型企業認證的門檻。 【職位】人才於組織及社會將發揮的影響 協助企業全面評估企業 ESG 競爭力、辨識永續發展風險與機會,規劃公司整體的永續發展藍圖。 【個人發展】人才於組織中可獲得的專業發展與成長機會 參與 B 型企業社群,擴大永續人脈網絡,了解中小企業的 ESG 痛點並給予適切改善方向跟做法。
我們處理的議題涵蓋:溫室氣體、員工照顧到公司治理等等 我們諮詢的對象:從汽車零組件到美妝保養,從上市公司到新創企業,各行各業的創辦人、高階主管
如果你具備永續基因、善於分析、解決問題、熱愛學習,能用中英文口說、書寫簡報,有效與客戶溝通;在團隊合作上,既有紀律,又能跟夥伴一起快樂工作,歡迎加入我們的行列! 協助更多公司成為有社會、環境影響力的企業,取得 B 型企業認證!
【工作內容】 ①協助企業全面評估企業 ESG 競爭力 ②協助企業辨識永續發展風險與機會,規劃公司整體的永續發展藍圖 ③協助企業強化永續管理政策,導入 ESG 做法 ④帶領 ESG 工作坊與課程 ⑤蒐研國際及產業永續政策、法規及趨勢
B Lab Taiwan is driving the global B Corp movement, originated from Philadelphia, US, in 2006, to support companies to harness the power of business impact, prioritizing social and environmental goods. We aim to be a catalyst for change of Taiwan’s SMEs to improve their ESG competitiveness by “B”enefiting All Stakeholders. The purpose is to build an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy for everyone and the planet.
In addition to social and environmental advocacy, we pursue this purpose by advising leaders on their ESG practices. Based on the B Corp Model and certification, we provide consulting services for companies in integrating sustainability into their core business by measuring, managing and maximizing their social and environmental impact. Depending on the sector, the size of the company and its maturity level, we offer different support and propose improvement measures such as gap analysis, goal setting, action plans and ESG roadmaps that help the client achieve a higher score and eventually become a certified B Corp.
The Role: ①Lead clients through ESG enhancement process under B Corp Model by managing their ESG performance, conducting gap analysis, laying out improvement roadmap and action plans, and achieving B Corp certifications. ②Own and manage client accounts, including multiple stakeholder communications, overall delivery strategy, and risk planning and management with manager oversight. ③Drive the B Corp movement through impactful advocacy such as NZ2030 and Beauty for Good. ④Help build a vibrant and learning workplace where we help one another do great work and enjoy it.
What this role offers you: ①An opportunity to directly own client relationships that drive tangible impact on the social and environmental sides. ②Grow your career with the global ESG trend as our clients continue to grow in the Environmental, Social, Governance space. ③Join the dynamic and change-making global B Corp community and make things happen together with executives of various industries. ④An open organizational culture encouraging communication and creative ideas. ⑤Monthly salary above NTD 40,000, national health and labor insurance, retirement plan, plus holiday and year-end bonuses (based on performance). ⑥Office space in a vintage building with a gorgeous garden near Technology Building MRT station. ⑦Flexible working hours, 2 WFH days a week.
【工作待遇】 ①月薪 40,000 元以上 (固定或變動薪資因個人資歷或績效而異) ②工作性質:全職 ③上班地點:台北市大安區安和路二段 213 號 2F-1 (距捷運六張犁站約 370 公尺) ④管理責任:不需負擔管理責任 ⑤出差外派:無需出差外派 ⑥上班時段:日班,彈性上下班 ⑦休假制度:週休二日 ⑧可上班日:不限
【條件要求】 ①工作經歷:2 年以上 ②學歷要求:大學以上 ③科系要求:不拘 ④語文條件:英文 -- 聽 /精通、說 /精通、讀 /精通、寫 /精通 ⑤擅長工具:Excel、PowerPoint、Word ⑥工作技能:提案與簡報技巧、市場調查資料分析與報告撰寫
【其他條件】 Preferred qualifications: ①Leadership: Demonstrate initiative and an ownership mindset, where individuals proactively identify value creation opportunities for clients. ②Problem Solving: Leverage structured thinking and focus on root causes to plan and solve problems. ③Effective Communication: Exhibit the ability to set and manage client’s expectations, along with the ability to communicate comprehensively and cohesively in written and verbal forms (mainly in Chinese). ④Operational Discipline: Collaborate effectively with the team to build a meaningful and joyful workplace together. ⑤2+ years experience in professional services, focusing on improving corporate environmental, social, or governance performance ⑥Knowledgeable about sustainability trends, frameworks, ratings, and rankings such as BIA, SDGs, GRI, DJSI, etc. ⑦Interest in career growth in an entrepreneurial-like NPO through continuously developing breadth and depth of skills.