Hi ,謝謝你對綠藤 海外拓展運營業務 職缺的興趣。
綠藤成立至今 13 年的時間,為台灣第三家「B 型企業」。 我們相信能夠透過兼顧商業利益、環境、社會的永續商業模式,發揮正向影響力,並成為改變世界的力量 (B the Change)!為了能發揮更大的影響力,我們計劃向海外擴展,期待能在不同的國家和市場中,找到共同在意永續、並相信日常使用的保養、清潔產品與習慣可以對肌膚與環境更友善。
這個職位主負責綠藤海外市場電商平台及業務相關運營,細節包含海外生意建構及電商檔期規劃;期待在延續綠藤品牌理念下,以靈活、具有意義的行銷方式,達成銷售成果,讓永續選擇在更多人的生活中發芽 。
【這份工作的核心內容 Responsibilities】 ①蒐集、分析鎖定市場中美妝品類相關目標客戶、商業模式、市場商情、促銷活動,協助業務開展生意模式和相應資源建構 ②透過協助海外電商平台檔期規劃、行銷活動設計、站上活動運營操作、站外導流操作達成業績目標 ③透過業績分析和消費者分析,提出行動方案、協助擴大海外業績潛力 ④協助海外品牌資產外語化轉製 ⑤負責海外業務相關物流、設計等項目內部溝通推進
【我們正尋找這樣的你 Qualifications】 ①2 年跨境電商運營經驗 ②良好溝通能力,擅長開創專案、業務活動企劃、團隊合作 ③擁抱彈性且機動性高,能針對團隊需求接受不同性質任務的交付,擔負起責任 ④業務報表、資料整理與分析,能依照數字反映業務行動 ⑤商務英文或日文能力 【如果你剛好也滿足以下條件,那就更好了 Plus】 ①熟悉 Google analytic 、SEO 操作、廣告投放 ②熟悉美國、日本行銷工具 ③美妝/ 快速消費用品產業相關經驗 ④產品行銷能力
​​Hi , Thanks for your interests in the Cross Border E-commerce Operation Associate opening at Greenvines. As a certified B Corporation,we believe that personal choices have a significant impact on the environment. We challenge traditional skin care practices by developing a daily skincare ritual that is sustainable for both the skin and the planet. To create a bigger impact, we are now expanding our reach beyond Taiwan. As a Cross Border E-commerce Operation Associate, you will play a crucial role in assisting brand campaigns, and driving our e-commerce sales through innovative marketing and communication channels. We are looking for someone who is passionate about cross border business and thrives on diverse challenges. You'll have the opportunity to work alongside a dynamic team that values creativity, collaboration, and impact-driven outcomes. If you're looking for a career that will enable you to make a positive impact while achieving sales results, then this is the place for you!
Let's make a difference together! We look forward to hearing more about you.
【Responsibilities】 ① Conduct data analysis on market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor promotion campaigns in the targeted market. ② Develop and execute cross-border e-commerce sales plans and marketing campaigns to achieve sales performance goals. Propose action plans to improve sales performance as needed. ③ Identify and potentialize cross-border business opportunities through regular sales analysis and action plans. ④ Assist in brand launch and relevant brand asset development. ⑤ Drive cross-border specific projects with internal stakeholders.
【Requirements】 ① Minimum of 2 years of experience in e-commerce sales or marketing field ② Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. ③ Strong project management skills with the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. ④ Strong analytical skills and ability to interpret complex data and drive to action. ⑤ Business English or Japanese proficiency.
【Plus】 ① Proficient in Google Analytics, SEO, and advertising placement. ② Familiarity with marketing tools in the US, JP, and the greater China market. ③. Experienced in cosmetics or FMCG industry. ④ Product marketing skills.
詳細應徵方式請見 104 招募頁面:https://www.104.com.tw/job/7urdg?jobsource=company_job 綠藤生機:https://www.greenvines.com.tw/
2024 grant 側欄廣告School 28 第四屆徵件_側欄廣告第三屆NPO創新成長加速器開放報名愛的慶典:同志驕傲月-側欄廣告用無限好事,讓美好永續-側欄廣告2024 綠獎-側欄廣告